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Which are the healthiest nuts?

From having positive effect in the level of cholesterol to lowing the risk of getting heart disease even some cancer, nuts have positive influence in people.But which are the best?
According to researchers from Pennsylvania State University, Pistachios contain antioxidants, including lutein, beta-carotene and vitamin E, which are important for eye health.Peeling them off can prolong your happiness.
Almonds are a good source of vitamin E and magnesium, as well as calcium. A south Korean study found that eating about two ounces of almonds a day improved all lipid levels, including triglycerides. A University of Florida study found that their fiber content promotes the growth of healthy gut bacteria and is generally healthy.
Hazelnuts are also rich in vitamin E and the minerals copper and manganese. They were studied along with almonds and walnuts as a food for brain health.
Pecans are rich in antioxidants and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. A recent study at Tufts University found that pecans are part of an anti-diabetic diet.
Walnuts topped the list with twice as many antioxidants as other nuts and a rich source of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.In addition to its heart-healthy benefits, walnuts have been linked to a lower risk of depression.
A common practice is to eat raw or unsalted nuts to get the most nutrition without adding sodium. But a study published in the European Journal of Nutrition found that dry roasting (which enhances the flavor of nuts) and light salt did not affect nuts' nutritional content.
While nuts are great for small bites, they also add crunch to salads, yogurt and breakfast cereals. They can be finely cut, used instead of breadcrumbs, finely ground, used instead of flour, and processed into nut butter.

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